Business Strategy Capstone - Winter 2022

January 12, 2022Experience start
January 26, 2022Projects Selected
February 11, 2022Project Scope Approval
March 5, 2022Interim Project Feedback Review (class exercise)
April 16, 2022Final Project Presentation
April 20, 2022Experience end
January 12, 2022Experience start
January 26, 2022Projects Selected
Student's selections area finalized and permission granted to contact the organization
February 11, 2022Project Scope Approval
Project scope is approved by professor (soft deadline)
March 5, 2022Interim Project Feedback Review (class exercise)
In class review
April 16, 2022Final Project Presentation
To be completed by due date
April 20, 2022Experience end
Experience scope
Organizational structure Market research Operations Project management Product or service launchSkills
competitive analysis business consulting business strategy data analysis researchCapstone projects use students' competencies developed throughout the MBA program to solve real-world business problems supplied by a variety of organizations in the student's final term. Capstone projects are experiential learning that mutually benefit students and organizations.
Projects are required to be strategic in nature, and should span across multiple functional areas (strategy, finance, operations, marketing, human relations, entrepreneurship, innovation etc.). They are completed in a 3-month time frame and are sufficient in scope to provide an average of 10hrs/week commitment from a 3-5 person student team.
Proposals are selected by the students and once finalized, student teams manage the project and communications with oversight from the professor. Some proposals may not match and if this is the case, we will contact you for other opportunities or the possibility of participating in a different term.
- The student team will deliver to the participating company a formal presentation based on the project. The presentation will 20 minutes long and allow for 5 minutes of questions (25 minutes in total). Presentations will be open to the class but, in some circumstances, may be closed at the request of the project organization. Schedule permitting, the presentation may follow with a private discussion between the sponsors, the team and the professor.
- The student team will also deliver a 30 page final project report with analysis and recommendations.
- Please note: We review projects proposals after communicating with the company but some projects may not be filled unless there is sufficient student interest to form a full team of 3-5 students. You will receive confirmation on your project the week of January 17, 2022. If the project is not filled, we will suggest other options to work together either immediately or in the next cohort.
Project timeline
January 12, 2022Experience start
January 26, 2022Projects Selected
February 11, 2022Project Scope Approval
March 5, 2022Interim Project Feedback Review (class exercise)
April 16, 2022Final Project Presentation
April 20, 2022Experience end
January 12, 2022Experience start
January 26, 2022Projects Selected
Student's selections area finalized and permission granted to contact the organization
February 11, 2022Project Scope Approval
Project scope is approved by professor (soft deadline)
March 5, 2022Interim Project Feedback Review (class exercise)
In class review
April 16, 2022Final Project Presentation
To be completed by due date
April 20, 2022Experience end
Project Examples
Check out this video that talks about this course including examples of past company projects in the past!
Over the last decade we have completed several hundred successful MBA capstone projects. Projects address all types of organizations from large, medium and small businesses, to startups, non-profits, charities and community organizations. We have also done projects from municipalities to ministries and NGOs. All of our projects are focused on providing recommendations that address the organization and its goals.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Attend the final presentation and provide feedback following the presentation
Provide a dedicated contact from the company or organization
Commit to a minimum of two, and ideally three, meetings with their team during the semester
January 12, 2022Experience start
January 26, 2022Projects Selected
February 11, 2022Project Scope Approval
March 5, 2022Interim Project Feedback Review (class exercise)
April 16, 2022Final Project Presentation
April 20, 2022Experience end
January 12, 2022Experience start
January 26, 2022Projects Selected
Student's selections area finalized and permission granted to contact the organization
February 11, 2022Project Scope Approval
Project scope is approved by professor (soft deadline)
March 5, 2022Interim Project Feedback Review (class exercise)
In class review
April 16, 2022Final Project Presentation
To be completed by due date
April 20, 2022Experience end