George Brown College
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jannett Ioannides
She / Her
Field Education & Partnership Business Developer, Centre for Business
5/20 project matches
Dates set by projects
Payment by employer C$16.55 / hour
Preferred companies
Any company type
Any industries

Experience scope

Customer segmentation Digital marketing Social media marketing Event planning Marketing strategy
marketing teamwork event marketing sports marketing
Learner goals and capabilities

This is a Paid Internship / Co-Op. Employers interested in applying should provide compensation for the student - minimum $16.55/h per student (not financed by Level Up!). Please DO NOT APPLY if you cannot provide compensation.

Benefits to your company

Sport and Event Marketing students (individuals or teams) can:

• Develop integrated marketing and media plans for arts, entertainment, cause-related marketing, and the sports industry

• Plan, execute and evaluate comprehensive events utilizing project management and team-building skills

• Develop and evaluate sponsorship activation opportunities from the value perspective of the consumer, property, and the buyer.

Students are poised to succeed in the integrated work areas of sport, arts and entertainment, and not- for-profit enterprises. These students can examine and provide solutions to your organizations application of Sport and Event Marketing best practices, strategies, tactics, tools and techniques.

*Students are available between May 6 - August 16, 2024 -required min of 360 hours. Paid or unpaid available.

More information about our co-op/ internship programs can be found here.

* Interested employers: please contact


Any level
50 learners
360 hours per learner
Learners apply to projects
Individual projects
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Students will deliver on their 3-5 Learning Outcome Objectives that were agreed upon before the Co-op/Internship commenced.

Project Examples


Student abilities include (not an exhaustive list):

1. Apply marketing concepts to industries directly associated with sports, arts, entertainment or causes.

2. Develop integrated marketing and media plans featuring consumer-oriented objectives, strategies, tactics, budgetary considerations and return on investment (ROI) metrics.

3. Plan, execute and evaluate comprehensive events utilizing project management and team building skills as required.

4. Develop and evaluate sponsorship activation opportunities from the value perspective of the consumer, property and buyer.

5. Create professional and persuasive written, digital and other presentation formats using industry standard software

More information about the Sport and Event Marketing Program can be found here.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Text short
    Would you require the student to be working remote, on site or hybrid?  *
  • Q - Text short
    Compensation MUST be provided by the employer (minimum $16.55/h per student - not Level Up financed). How much would you be able to provide in terms of compensation?  *
  • Q - Checkbox