Website Development Conversion - HTML To WordPress

Project scope
UI design UX design Website developmentSkills
hypertext markup language (html) needs assessment wordpress web developmentOur company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to update and revamp our existing website to attract more customers.
We would like to work with students to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This can be achieved through common site building tools such as WordPress.
This will involve several different steps for the students, including:
- Researching different site-building tools and their associated advantages / disadvantages.
- Conducting a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable.
- CONVERTING EXISTING website to WORDPRESS, with our assistance in providing the content.
- Providing training on updating and maintaining the website.
Bonus steps in the process would also include:
- Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.
By the end of the project, students should demonstrate:
- Understanding of website platform options
- Identification of the most suitable platform
- Development of a website using the most suitable tool
- Recommendations for website maintenance
Bonus steps would include:
- Testing the website with users and making improvements based on user input
Final deliverables should include
- A website prototype.
- A final report.
Students will connect directly with us for mentorship throughout the project. We will be able to provide answers to questions such as:
- Our current products and website design
- Our customer and industry insights
- Input on choices, problems or anything else the students might encounter.
About the company
TESTDRIVE is an Ontario ministry approved driving school with an origin that sets apart from 99% of its competitors. Owned and Operated By An Ex-Ontario Driver Examiner having 25+ years of Ontario driving experience and a decade of Ontario Drivetest examination experience (Licenced Under The Ministry Of Transportation) with a purpose to help and educate drivers. We train with the exact procedure and criteria used by driver examiners province wide, enabling our students to better understand rules and regulations pertaining to each component of their road test to successfully meet ministry requirements.