Unity teaching resources creation
Project scope
Training & development Product or service launch EducationSkills
virtual reality unity engine teachingWe would like to develop an Unity content for grades k-12 about technology and environment.
This project should focus on:
- Gathering relevant course design and content information from interviews with key stakeholders.
- Assessing existing on-line training platforms and recommending the best platform for this course.
We have lots of existing content to share, so the project wouldn't be starting from scratch. The bulk of the project would be course design, rather than content creation.
The final deliverables should take the form of:
- Assets, projects, Virtual reality worlds/enviroments that can be used as an resource for technology and enviromental teaching
Students will connect directly with the employer for mentorship and supervision throughout the project. Brainstorms sessions will be conducted to kick start the project as well as weekly meetings to fine tune the final product.
About the company
Next Gen EduCare is all about the future. We all imagine the wonders it might bring and we want to prepare people to create these wonders. That's why we foster technology education that is integrated with conscious environment use in a sustainable approach. We educate children to grow into well round adults, caring for what's inside (the self) and what's outside (the other/environment). Now that’s true sustainability.