Your Revel Experience

Project scope
Communications Marketing strategySkills
evidence-based argument learning science persuasion creative thinkingYou have been using Revel in your course this semester, a new digital learning environment designed for the way that today's students read, think, and study.
Write a paragraph you feel would convince your best friend that your learning experience with Revel is superior to using a traditional print textbook.
Be creative! Maybe they are skeptical? Give them examples from your own experience this semester to help win them over! Or maybe you prefer a traditional printed textbook? You can make that argument as well.
Students will be expected to write a creative and compelling argument for or against using a digital resource like Revel in class. Although the main ask is for a written submission we are open to any creative multimedia submission that expresses a truly authentic student voice and perspective.
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Welcome to Pearson Canada. We have a simple mission: To help people make more of their lives through learning.