Project scope
Graphic design Communications Digital marketing Search engine optimization Website developmentSkills
contact management systems communication website optimization hypertext markup language (html) academic papers needs assessment google ads web pages managementCurrently we use Wild Apricot software to provide a website and membership management. It is functional but limited. Recently we realized that optimizing our website on their platform for the necessary loading speed and content that meets Google's requirements for AdWords for Non Profits is hard to achieve because we are novices at html coding.
The goals of the project are to:
- Conduct a needs analysis to determine if the Wild Apricot platform is suitable. This analysis should determine if the web-engine available is adequate to achieve the results needed and if the membership and contact management modules similarly are adequate to meet our needs.
- If Wild Apricot looks to be suitable then perform revisions:
- Optimize loading time
- Redevelop web-pages to enable video, blog and LinkedIn embedding
- Redesign our visual look: Make our website look stunning, professional, inviting!
- Perform Search Engine Optimization
- Optimize the membership application, member profiles, membership approval and membership communication
- Design the visual look of member communication based on the new visual look you have developed for the website
- In addition to the work on the Wild Apricot site implement a solution for an accessible catalog of existing academic papers, newspaper articles and other media that would be available behind a paywall to our members.
- Provide training on updating and maintaining all of our digitral assets.
We are not experts in websites or communication.
But we are motivated volunteers out to achieve a transformational change in how police officers are educated.
We are retired and available to answer questions.
We can connect you with academics who are part of our organization: professors of education, policing, psychology.
- Team can participate in weekly Operations Committee of C-CPR.
- We will also hold a team project meeting weekly.
- We will be available in a same day response basis to answer questions by email or available for more urgent questions by phone.
About the company
To achieve the creation of a National Centre of Policing Excellence with the support of community representatives, stakeholders, police practitioners, academics, and government officials. Working collaboratively, the Centre develops national standards for the training and education of our police service members
To elevate Canadian Policing to World Class standards by advancing evidence-based training for both police recruits and officers, developing national standards for all entry-level police training, and creating a national certification criterion for police officers