Educational Materials for Youth

Project scope
Communications Marketing strategy Education Social sciencesSkills
educational materialsNot being offered for Spring, Summer or Fall 2022 Create a packet of reading materials (pdf) and other informative content (we are open to ideas including graphics for posting and coloring books) to educate each of three age groups: elementary, middle and high school students separately on issues surrounding nutrition. Topics of interest include how to reduce food waste, how food banks and food pantries work and their differences, what is food insecurity, basic nutrition for individuals.
For elementary school age here are a few ideas to get you started: coloring books about "eating the rainbow" and my plate from USDA, how food banks and food pantries work and their differences, basics of nutrition.
For middle & high school age ideas include "who needs food assistance & why", what are good foods to donate and what are NOT good foods to donate", basics of nutrition, what is food insecurity, etc.
About the company
Westside Food Bank is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization that provides a wide variety of nutritious foods to about 55 agencies with food assistance programs including food pantries in Western Los Angeles County. Founded in 1981, we are celebrating 40 years of service!