Big data architecture + ML for customer record match
Positions available: 6 (teams or individually) We’re looking for database and data wrangling talent! We are a hospitality startup that helps create transportable records of customer votes for the frontline staff of hospitality enterprises. We are aiming to change the lack of tracking and metrics for skills that are considered 'soft' and 'unmeasurable' in customer service. Think crowdsourcing performance reviews + staff management system + employee feedback WHY BIG DATA & ML? Hospitality has Trillions of interactions everyday, and currently that data is lost. We aim to capture it for the benefit of staff and enterprises. So we need a good foundation to offer a robust, third party verifiable, and future proof platform for staff and enterprises everywhere. WHO ARE THE CONTRIBUTORS? The contributors of the votes for staff are everyday people who may interact with frontline customer service agents in hospitality, like waiters, bartenders, sommeliers, baristas, etc Their vote based on the quality of the customer service received is the basis of the project. Agaru gives staff and enterprises peace of mind about customer service quality in hospitality interactions. We quantify and breakdown CX, helping manage staff and operations objectively. About us: Our startup is based in Toronto In essence: We crowdsource performance reviews for frontline hospitality and service staff, creating a transportable record of skill. We provide enterprises with an aggregate of the staff customer service performance on a daily / weekly / monthly basis. With this, talent can be spotted, and those lagging behind trained or monitored closely for improvement. The staff owns the data and can always opt out. By sharing the majority of our revenue ( up to 80%) with the participants (staff and voting customers) we will fuel the growth of the platform. Outcomes: With this record enterprises can get better customer feedback and manage staff better; staff is rewarded for good performance and can have access to opportunities beyond age, gender, origin, politics or seniority at work; customers are rewarded for their participation (currently we send a bottle of wine for every 10 votes!). We believe this is a win-win-win and the way of the future. Our goal is that everyone that participates in the process can benefit from the interactions. The future: Our platform will open opportunities that were simply not possible before; by having a record of skill staff can prove their talent and have a measure of feedback that doesn't exist now. By having proof of employability this can open doors to loans, credit, further training or better jobs. Big picture: Ultimately we will bring people everywhere what they deserve: Respect and dignity. Cannot be bought or sold. It will be built by the talent and effort of the individual. We will make it tangible. This is the page, should you accept your mission: www.agaru.me GOALS OF THIS CHALLENGE / PROJECT (parts you can take individually or as a whole) 1.We need help wrangling the data by matching the staff name (and location) to existing records 2. Registered participants to be rewarded with cryptocurrency for their contributions 3. We need a verifiable way to ensure that each vote is unique and coming from one source using the browser / cookies to prevent abuse IDEAL OUTCOMES If there is no record there should be a new profile automatically created for the staff for every vote Matching up records to staff is crucial (ideally no orphaned votes from incomplete data left). The implemented system will search in google the physical location of the enterprise and add that address to the record. Ideally a reference of the records will go onto a distributed ledger so that third parties can check the data without disclosing private information We hope to integrate our reward system with cryptocurrencies for all registered participants to encourage participation and fuel the growth of the platform DB should be write only or delete altogether the records, no edit.

Marketing and Sales for Social Impact Hospitality Project
We’re looking for marketing and sales talent! The users of the site are meant to be everyday people who may interact with frontline customer service agents in hospitality, like waiters, bartenders, sommeliers, baristas, etc The stakeholders and the ones paying are hospitality enterprises of any size, but preference given to forward thinking, social impact ones. This is the page, should you accept your mission: www.agaru.me Put yourself in the shoes of an experienced marketer working for our company, and give us a hand on figuring out how to best reach our people. If you were redesigning this page to increase conversion rates, visual appeal, clarity, and customer delight - what would you change? This can include completely redesigning the look and feel of the site. Outcomes Your submission should lead to greater usage and votes in our system, ideally signups from hospitality enterprises. Branding changes are welcome too, but they should reflect hospitality in some way Please feel free to be creative and depart from the design of the rest of the site if you choose, but submissions that take into consideration our branding will be assessed more favourably.

UX/UI Design for Agaru.me main page
We’re looking for UX/UI talent! Do you have a background or interest in user experience design or user interface design? The users of the site are meant to be people who may interact with frontline customer service agents in hospitality, like waiters, bartenders, sommeliers, baristas, etc This is the page, should you accept your mission: www.agaru.me Put yourself in the shoes of a user experience designer working for our company, and give this page a complete refresh. If you were redesigning this page to increase conversion rates, visual appeal, clarity, and customer delight - what would you change? This can include adding or removing elements from the page, adding interactive or animated features, changing the customer journey from this page, and/or completely redesigning the look and feel. Outcomes Your challenge submission can be an interactive mockup, flat wireframes, a functional website, a photoshop file - whatever gets your vision across. Please feel free to be creative and depart from the design of the rest of the site if you choose, but submissions that take into consideration our branding will be assessed more favourably.