Kent Rondeau
Kent Rondeau
Associate Professor
University of Alberta
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Engaging Communities in Social Entrepreneurship - W23

MACE 597-X50

Mar 10, 2023 - Apr 12, 2023

Community social entrepreneurship is the use of the applied techniques of entrepreneurs to develop, fund and implement community-based solutions that focus on social, cultural, or environmental issues. Social entrepreneurship in modern society offers an altruistic form of enterprise creation that focuses on the benefits that communities may reap, rather than on financial profits that accrue only to powerful stakeholders. Social entrepreneurship provides a community benefit when it transforms its social capital in a way that affects its social and economic development in a positive manner. Are you up to date on how best to address the unique opportunities and challenges facing you social venture? A team of students will develop focused recommendations and a tactical plan for your social venture to help you take advantage of an opportunity or overcome a challenge that you are facing.

Matches 0
Category Social sciences + 4
University of Alberta
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Engaging Communities in Social Entrepreneurship

MACE 597-X50

Jan 9, 2022 - Apr 5, 2022

Community social entrepreneurship is the use of the applied techniques of entrepreneurs to develop, fund and implement community-based solutions that focus on social, cultural, or environmental issues. Social entrepreneurship in modern society offers an altruistic form of enterprise creation that focuses on the benefits that communities may reap, rather than on financial profits that accrue only to powerful stakeholders. Social entrepreneurship provides a community benefit when it transforms its social capital in a way that affects its social and economic development in a positive manner. Are you up to date on how best to address the unique opportunities and challenges facing you social venture? A team of students will develop focused recommendations and a tactical plan for your social venture to help you take advantage of an opportunity or overcome a challenge that you are facing.

Matches 2
Category Social sciences + 3