Your Revel Experience
You have been using Revel in your course this semester, a new digital learning environment designed for the way that today's students read, think, and study. Write a paragraph you feel would convince your best friend that your learning experience with Revel is superior to using a traditional print textbook. Be creative! Maybe they are skeptical? Give them examples from your own experience this semester to help win them over! Or maybe you prefer a traditional printed textbook? You can make that argument as well. Students will be expected to write a creative and compelling argument for or against using a digital resource like Revel in class. Although the main ask is for a written submission we are open to any creative multimedia submission that expresses a truly authentic student voice and perspective.

Mental Health Awareness Campaign - CAMH
In this project, we ask students working in teams of 1 or 2 to develop communications material for CAMH in support of mental health awareness - similar to the recent Mental Health is Health campaign. You'll be provided some information on CAMH's branding and style guidelines, but you are welcome to depart from those and be creative if you prefer. Do not use the CAMH logo in your projects. We suggest focusing on the 15-25 yr old demographic with your communication piece, but this is not mandatory. Your deliverable can take one of many formats - feel free to think outside the box. Examples include: A visual that could be used as a TTC bus shelter ad or banner ad in a bus/subway car A website banner advertisement A social media post and accompanying graphic An infographic As this is a large class, we'll make use of peer review to help identify finalists. Any student can complete a first draft and upload this as your first milestone for this project, by Feb 22. You'll then be asked to assign peer review scores to 5 of your peers. The 10 projects that score the highest in this phase will be asked to submit their final deliverable by March 22nd, to CAMH, and will receive feedback and one of the incentives listed above. These incentives are for the 10 finalists only. Please note the first draft must be provided in PDF format in order to be peer reviewed. The final deliverable can simply be a re-submission of your first draft, but we encourage you to iterate on that draft for the final product. The final product can be uploaded in different formats and make use of different media as required.

Virtual Internship Opportunity: Social Media Content Research
3 individual positions available Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for up to 3 students or teams. The primary focus for the student will be: Compilation of ideas for Facebook posts in line with our Social Media Posting Plan, which consists of a rotating series of general topics in line with our brand and industry. Our goal at the end of this experience is: Generate a minimum of 4 months worth of post ideas (80 suggestions) Other duties the student may complete could include : Once ideas have been approved, students interested in graphic design may be asked to create graphics to accompany or embody post ideas consistent with our brancing and design principles. Minimal graphic design experience required. Students may use our Canva account to generate graphics. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: Email Student's primary contact : Elaine Smith, Producing Artistic Director

Country Primary Analysis
5 individual positions available As a growing company, the organization is looking for students to help us conduct a primary country analysis. The research conducted by the student will help us understand international trends and inform our international activities. We will provide you with information about our organization to help you with your analysis. Your analysis will include: An Introduction to the country, including socio-political factors relevant to the higher education and EdTech landscape. An overview of the workforce landscape with focus on under/unemployment amongst recent graduates, employers skills needs (present & future) and any currently identified gaps. An overview of the higher education system (and how it relates to the previous topic). An overview of The EdTech landscape. An analysis of the information and how this information may be relevant to Riipen, including a discussion of Riipen’s fit. Under the LevelUP program, each student will have 80 hours over the course of 6-8 weeks to complete and present these deliverables for two countries: A document presenting the detailed country analysis A slide deck summarizing your findings for each country

7 - K-12 & Unschooling/SDE Graduates survey
Number of positions available: 1 team of 5 persons The UnschoolingSchool.com team is launching a project to synthesize the many sources of proof and evidence that Self-Directed Education (SDE) works and is an optimal way to educate children. We have partnered with Riipen.com to engage university and college students in short projects to help with the work of gathering and synthesizing the evidence. For more information about our amazing project click on the Resources Section. This project involves designing and conducting 2 multiple-choice surveys: 1. For Conventional System High School graduates and drops-out— to gather evidence that they would have benefited from a K-12 education that involved much more student agency. 2. For Unschoolers/Self-Directed Education participants-- to gather evidence that their SDE prepared them very effectively for post-secondary education and/or work Possible sources: 1. peers, FB, Insta, Student Unions/Association 2. ALPHA I & ALPHA II (Toronto), Windsor House Vancouver, ‘homeschooled’ Unschoolers (FB groups) Possible approach: - research ways to access the group - design survey methodology - conduct survey - synthesis and share results. We are looking for 5 people working as a team. Deliverable is an APA formatted report & creative sharing of the results, Tic Toc, Insta, YouTube, Twitter, etc. (details to be discussed prior to the start of the project) “Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.” – Khalil Gibran

VCST Multicultural Outreach Intern (Remote)
Positions available: 3 (In teams or individually) We collaborate with immigrant settlement agencies, mental and physical health professionals, social service agencies, neighborhood houses and the broader community to ensure that the needs of survivors of torture are recognized and met at all levels. Through our community partnerships, our goal is to support survivors overcome the legacy of oppression and live with dignity. Link: About | Victoria Coalition to Stop Torture

Strategic Fundraising Plan
Positions available: Up to 3 To navigate the financial challenges as a result of the pandemic, we are looking for a student to help us develop a fundraising plan which involves researching opportunities, brainstorming ideas and developing a plan. The project will include, but may not be limited to: Researching opportunities - Finding various online donation platforms and donor management programs that we can tap into to source funding for our theatre Brainstorming - Working with us to brainstorm ideas on how to raise funds more proactively and efficiently Developing a plan - Developing a plan and content for our donors, in the form of a donor stewardship calendar that will propel relationship-building and communications that will take place after the donor's gift has been received.

Help We've Got Kids! - Research Interns
Positions available: 20 Research Intern Parent Life Network is relaunching the iconic property Help We've Got Kids!, a project to help parents across Canada find the best local resources for their families. We need help to figure out the very best places to feature and help parents navigate all the choices available within their local communities. If you’re a student who can conduct informal research about all aspects of a local neighbourhood, then you’re who we’re looking for. We want you to help us build a parent focused Yelp! for Canadian parents. Your responsibilities will include: Online research about communities and businesses - could include coffee shops that are stroller friendly, music classes for toddlers or baby massage practitioners in your area. Gathering parents opinions and insights Online research about camps, daycare, after-school programming Other similar research duties

Exciting eStore & Digital Marketing Opportunity! Growing Pharmaceuticals Market!
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: We are a growing startup company in the thriving pharmaceuticals sector looking for a bright and energetic student intern for a unique opportunity via remote work environment (virtual/calls). This team will be integral in the execution of a new eStore platform via digital e-commerce leader Shopify and digital marketing leaders Google and LinkedIn. The chosen intern will gain valuable experience and skills required in a growing entrepreneurial small business and market environment with a small energetic and interactive team and have the opportunity to learn the skills required to create, execute and market an eStore using leading tools such as Shopify, Google, LinkedIn, video/photo, email marketing and lead generation tools.

OneProsper Digital Library Project
The intern will create a digital library of books in Box.com to help students in India to learn English. This resource will be used as part of the English Learning Buddy Program, a student volunteer program that connects girls from low income families in India that are highly motivated to learn English with Canadian high school students. Please click on the below link for more information on the English Learning Buddy program. https://www.oneprosper.org/buddy/ Responsibilities: Research The intern will research children's books, that are available for free in HTML and PDF on the website https://www.fadedpage.com that are best suited for reading popular children's stories. For example, Charlotte's Web, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Analysis The intern will categorize each of the twenty (20) selected books according to reading level - Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Writing The intern will write reading comprehension questions for each of the selected twenty (20) books. The reading comprehension questions will be organized by chapter and will test students comprehension of the preceding chapter. The intern will create an Answer Key for the reading comprehension questions. The intern will create a list of ten (10) curated discussion topics to be used by tutors and students to practice their spoken English Skills. The discussion topics can be any topic that advances cultural understanding between students living in India and Canada. For example, students can discuss their favorite holidays and how they celebrate these holidays.

Social Media Content Creation
We would like to work with a student, educate them about our brand and our area of expertise and create 52 posts for each of our 4 main social media channels. We have a content portfolio and all tools will be provided to enable the student to create on brand posts. We are looking for photos, videos and written content to be created and scheduled. We use canva and later for creating and posting. We use troller for project management and slack for communications. The project includes but is not limited to... meet and do an orientation to our team, brand, assets, target market, culture, technology and understand the scope of the project from the students perspective, decide on job title, job description and project outcomes and timelines. meet weekly to review progress according to the time line that we agree to in our orientation. In those meetings we will review the assets and the ideas that we have and the student has to come to an agreement on the contents of the 52 posts. create 52 posts that are relevant to our target market. Using existing photo, video and text assets, canva to create posts for instagram, later to schedule the posts. The student will have access to our shutterstock account, canva has access to images, videos and other graphic elements as well, and we have a stock pile of video, photo and textual assets that can also be used. Students are also welcome to use their own photos or video as long as we are using assets that we have paid for or have the rights to use. Our content calendar currently is scheduled: Monday - quote & mudra; Tuesdays - testimonials; Wednesday - mental health information or promotion; Thursdays - yoga posture analysis or other yoga education; Friday - promote atlas programming; Saturdays - anything goes; Sundays are currently psychedelic Sundays. We also post the full and new moons and about anything that we are doing that is relevant and interesting. the ideal incumbent will choose what 52 posts that they want to work on and we will provide the raw material or work with the student in gathering the raw materials and create posts that are in line with our brand and interesting to our target market. Then take those 52 posts and change them so that they are optimized for Facebook, Pinterest, twitter and linkedIn - open to other social media that the student in interested in working with. We will track the statistics for the posts that are used during the work placement so that we can see how effective the post are and if the posts engage our audience. We will provide feedback and statistics along the way and at the end we are happy to provide a formal report and the students work, letters of references and/or act as a reference if required. If we are a good match with the student there is a high chance that we will offer the student a paid internship as we are looking to find the right person for our team for this role.